In the past, the quarterdeck of a standard sailing ship is located behind the ship's main mast. The quarterdeck is used as a ceremonial area of the ship. Nowadays this deck is used as a stern and holds secondary weapons or seaplane catapults
My best guess is that it references the poor manners of sailors (to curse like a sailor). The quarterdeck is part of an old sailing ship, and sailors (usually all male) where not known for their gentlemanly behaviour.
The quarterdeck
Quarterdeck is part of the ship's upper deck. It begins with the letter Q.
the was sailing ship titanic where to sailing was new york
Sailing Ship Columbia was created in 1958.
A ketch is a sailing ship with two masts.
You are describing the mast.
A Clipper was the fastest of all sailing ships.For a sailing ships to be faster draught of that ship must be low.Other fast-sailing ships are:CarrackCaravelSloopSchoonerBrigBrigandineBarque
If you were at 0 degrees latitude and 0 degrees longitude, you would be sailing on a boat or a ship because this point is located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean near the coast of Africa, where only water exists.
A Navy Ships Quarterdeck is considered a ceremonial area and should be treated as such. No skylarking or loitering is allowed. The Officer of the Deck has complete responsibility and authority on the Quarterdeck and should never be challenged. On approach from the ships brow to the quarterdeck one must turn and face the flag (aft) or salute the flag if military and covered. One must then turn and show ID and salute the Officer Of the Deck and ask their permission to come aboard (enlisted) or state that they have permission to come aboard (officers). When leaving the ship it is done in the reverse order and one asks permission to go ashore (enlisted) or states that they have permission to go ashore (officer). Hats or headgear are not allowed on the quarterdeck unless they are part of the wearers uniform. The Quarterdeck should not be used as a passage from one part of the ship to another. If it is necessary to do so permission from the Officer of the Deck must be requested and granted.
A junk is a Chinese sailing ship.