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Sailing on a point of sail such that the ship is rigged to sail properly when the wind comes over the starboard rail.

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Q: What is the definition of starboard tack?
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Related questions

Where is the boat on a sail?

On a port tack, starboard tack, or running before the wind.

What is starboard tack in sailing?

When the wind is from the right hand side of the yacht when you are looking towards the front

The point of sailing when the wind is over the side of your boat?

The best point of sailing is 45 degrees to the wind. If the wind was over the beam you would have to take a port or starboard tack to it.

When does a sailboat have right?

When two sailboats meet, the one on starboard tack (wind coming across starboard or right side) has the right of way. If both boats are on the same tack, the boat that is downwind, or to "leeward" has the right of way. Sailboats have right of way over all power boats, except vessels constrained by their draft, vessels with limited maneuverability, vessels towing and subs. When a sailboat meets a jet ski they should sail right through it and leave owners for dead.

What does 'starboard' mean?

Starboard is the right side of a ship or aircraft when one is facing forward.

What does to sail close to the wind mean?

Let's say the wind is coming at you from due North. Generally speaking, you cannot sail any closer to the wind than 45 degrees on either side of it's direction. So you could sail as close to the wind as 45 degrees on a starboard tack, or 315 degrees with your sails on a port tack.

What types of tack does HorseIsle have?

Lots including racing, jumping , fancy (showing) english, western, pegasus, firebird etc etc etc... -- Improved by Blackpony from Pinto-server. Tack + prices; Australian tack, English tack, and Western tack for $11,001. Draft tack, Fancy tack, Jumping tack, Racing tack and Llama tack for $110,001. Camel tack for $220,001. Beautiful tack, Fireball tack, Heavyweight tack and Jackrabbit tack for $1,020,000. Glorious tack, Hercules tack, Icarus tack and Pegasus tack for $10,200,000.

Can you make a sentence using starboard?

Starboard is to the right; port is left. Taker her hard to starboard, helmsman!

Sailboat rightaway over another sailboat?

In racing situations, the general rule is the sailboat on a starboard tack has the right of way. In navigational situations, generally the larger sailboat has right of way, however these rules may vary by country.

What do two short blast from another vessel in a meeting situation?

Rule 34International:" I AM altering my course to port."Inland: " I INTEND to leave you on my starboard side or I AGREE to a starboard to starboard passing or I INTEND to overtake you on your portside."They intend to pass starboard to starboard side.

What are some examples of 'starboard' in a sentence?

Please move that cargo to the starboard side of the poop deck. Scrub the barnacles from the starboard side of the hull. Turn the wheel hard over to starboard, mister!

What does two short blasts of a boater horn mean?

That you are crossing starboard to starboard or overtaking to port side. (you are passing on YOUR starboard side)