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Let's say the wind is coming at you from due North. Generally speaking, you cannot sail any closer to the wind than 45 degrees on either side of it's direction. So you could sail as close to the wind as 45 degrees on a starboard tack, or 315 degrees with your sails on a port tack.

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Q: What does to sail close to the wind mean?
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Why do sails catch wind when the only part of the sail to be hit is so thin?

The sail acts as an aerofoil so that when the boat is sailing close-hauled (close to the wind) the wind hits the leading-edge of the sail end on, the curve of the sail then deflects it and produces the force that has a component in line with the boat that drives it forward, with the keel stopping too much sideways movement.

What is the four letter word that means the act of sailing close into the wind?

Tack. The verb is to "tack." When you sail a sail boat - or a "sailing boat" in British English parlance - towards or "into" the wind, that action is called "tacking".

True or false the Chinese developed a way to move the sails of ships that allowed ships to sail into the wind for the first time?

It is not possible to sail directly INTO the wind. Forty-five degrees is about as close as can be gained. Actually they did get the ships to sail into the wind. The above answer is wrong.

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You cannot sail with the wind opposite you. If the wind is following you, that is, directly astern, then you sail 'gull winged'.

What does it mean wind does not blow following a wish of a sail in czechs?

No matter how hard you, as a sailor, wish the wind to blow, it is uncontrollable.

The art of sailing close to the wind?

A weather eye to your sail(s) and a light touch to the tiller (or wheel as the case may be).

How does a boat sail against the wind?

To sail against the wind, a boat has to 'tack'. This means that instead of sailing straight into the wind (which would get you nowhere) you sail in a zig-zag in the direction you intend to go. On each tack, the wind is on a different side of the sail.

Did the lateen sail decrease a sailer's dependence on the force of the wind or on the direction of the wind?

The lateen sail increased a sailor's ability to sail effectively into the wind, rather than decreasing dependence on the wind's force. By allowing for better maneuverability and efficiency in changing wind conditions, the lateen sail revolutionized sailing techniques and made it easier to sail against the wind.

Did the invention of triangular lateen sails make it possible for ships to sail more easily into the wind?

Allegedly, the lateen sail design made it possible to sail closer into the wind. That is, less than 45 degrees from the direction the wind is blowing. No sail boat can sail directly into the wind. Yet.

What is a three sided sail?

A three sided sail is known as a Lateen sail or also a triangular sail. With a four sided sail one is only able to sail against the wind, but with a Lateen sail it is possible to sail more directly into the wind.

Device that helps ships sail into the wind?

No sailing ship can sail directly into the wind. However by rigging the sails correctly the vessel can be made to sail more closely to the wind.

What is sailing close to the wind?

The closest point of sailing is a "Close reach".Having to sail a sailing vessel into the wind to reach your desired destination requires different skills to what you would use when sailing with the wind: you have to learn how to tack.Tacking is a skill which has to be learned because, if done carelessly, your boat could easily be capsized if a sudden surge of wind catches the sail and drives it in the wrong direction.Most sailors learn about tacking the hard way by finding out for themselves what happens if they sail too close to the wind... Fine judgment of how close to the wind it is safe to sail is soon developed after you have been thrown into the water - and then have to bail out your sailing boat - a couple of times!So the expression sailing close to the wind is often used as a metaphor for taking a risk or testing the limitsof whatever it is that you are doing. For example, someone who regularly drinks too much alcohol and then drives a car immediately afterwards can be said to be sailing close to the wind. But if that person drinks even more than the usual amount one time - thus greatly increasing the risk of causing a car accident - then that behavior can be said to be sailing closer to the wind. And, if an accident then actually happens, that person can be said to have been sailing too close to the wind!