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With trailer, less than $2,000 US.

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Q: What is the cost of a small sailboat?
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Related questions

Do small sailboats tend to capsize and swamp?

A small sailboat can capsize and swamp pretty easy. A small sailboat does not have a centerboard. This makes the sailboat hard to keep in an upright position.

Where is the sailboat hidden in the science fair room on ultimate i-spy wii?

the sailboat on the globe it real small

How much does the most expensive sailboat in the world cost?

The Most expensive sailboat costs over 126 dollars

What rhymes with cast that means belonging to a sailboat?


How much does the average sailboat cost?

$1,500 per linear foot. Or so.

What is the use of a dagger board?

A Dagger Board is a small removable board that acts as a Keel on a small sailboat.

How long would it take to sail one mile on a small sailboat?

It depends on how fast that small sailboat is traveling. The wind also varies in intensity greatly, so there really isn't an average wind speed to even try to calculate how long it would take one sailboat to sail one mile.

What is metaphor for sailboat?

Sailboat is your head Sailboat is your headSailboat is your head

How much does a BlueJay sailboat cost?

The site listed in the related link section below will be of immense value to you...

What part of speech is the word sailboat?

Sailboat is a noun.

Is sailboat a compound word?

Yes, sailboat is a compound word. (sail + boat = sailboat)

A sailboat and a pwc are meeting headon which one is the stand on vessel?

Sailboat. A PWC, or personal watercraft, is the give way vessel to any sailboat. In the US, a PWC refers to any small powerboat less than 13 feet in length. As such, it is a powerboat and must give way to all sailboats.