It depends on how fast that small sailboat is traveling. The wind also varies in intensity greatly, so there really isn't an average wind speed to even try to calculate how long it would take one sailboat to sail one mile.
Because if it were not, it would not be a mile!
20 minutes. But you would be walking unless you were very small.
One mile is equal to 5,280 feet, so yes I would say it is long.
A desert is as long as it needs to be. There is no specified size. It can be as small as a mile to several thousand miles.
Because the walls of the seafood restaurant were covered with nets, buoys and small carved ships, you might say the theme was designed to be nautical. A nautical mile is longer than a statute mile. The captain observed nautical protocol by yielding the right of way to the sailboat.
if you walk 4 miles an hour how long would it take you to walk a mile
At 20 mph how long would it take to drive one mile?
One mile at 60mph would take just one minute.
Yes it is a very wide canal and it is 10-mile wide, 40-mile long
1 minute
That would depend on what you were driving in.
At 7 mph a mile would take you 8 minutes 36 seconds.