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$1,500 per linear foot. Or so.

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Q: How much does the average sailboat cost?
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What is the average size of a sailboat?

Between 28 - 38 ft

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How much does a new car cost on average?

How much does a new car cost?

What is the cost of a small sailboat?

With trailer, less than $2,000 US.

What is the average sailboat speed?

Hi There is not an average speed. It depends on the length and wind direction and speed

How much does it cost to live on a sailboat?

If you are docked, the marina will charge electric/water/waste fees. Comparatively speaking, it's just like camping out. While travelling, the cost of food is all.

How much did a house cost in 1905?

The average house cost $4,690 in 1905. The average cost of a car in 1905 was $1,450.00. The average cost of a loaf of bread was 0.04.