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They are referred to as "sheets" as in "the main sheet" for controlling the mainsail & "the jib sheet" for controlling the jibsail.

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Q: What is lines fastened to sails?
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What are lines fastened to sails called?

The line that controls the jib is the jibsheet & the line that controls the mainsail is the mainsheet. Earings.

Why are ropes on yachts called sheets?

No , the sails are called the sheets. Wrong - the sails are called SAILS. The control lines to the sails are sheets.

Why are yacht ropes called sheets?

No , the sails are called the sheets. Wrong - the sails are called SAILS. The control lines to the sails are sheets.

How do you move a ships sails?

IN a traditional sailing vessel sails are moved and controlled by lines. those that raise and lower the sails are halyards and downhauls, those that raise a square sail are bunt lines. The lines used to shape the sails are called sheets (from the foot of the sail to the stern) and tacks (from the foot of the sail to the bow). Braces are used to "brace the yards", turn them to the best angle to the wind.In some of the new sail designs the sails are remote controlled and have some very untraditional shapes.

How do you move a ship?

IN a traditional sailing vessel sails are moved and controlled by lines. those that raise and lower the sails are halyards and downhauls, those that raise a square sail are bunt lines. The lines used to shape the sails are called sheets (from the foot of the sail to the stern) and tacks (from the foot of the sail to the bow). Braces are used to "brace the yards", turn them to the best angle to the wind.In some of the new sail designs the sails are remote controlled and have some very untraditional shapes.

The ropes and chains that support and control the sails of a boat?

Stays, lines, ropes and halyards.

All lines on a boat that pertain to the sails and mast?

Halyards raise or lower sails, sheets tighten or loosen angle of sail, and the shrouds and stays steady the mast(s).

What is a sentence for fastened?

She fastened her seatbelt.We have fastened him to the altar, signal the dragon to accept the offering.

Lanteen sails were triangular these sails were square?

Square sails are square

What sails are square?

Square sails are referred to as four-cornered sails.

If La-teen sails were triangular which type of sails are square?

Square sails (rectangular) were (are) called four-cornered sails.

What does fasten mean?

'fastened' means 'done up' - as in buttons of the coat were fastened or the zip was fastened.