

Best Answer

It can be challenging, but it is very rewarding.

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Q: Is learning to sail a boat hard?
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Related questions

What is a boat with a sail called?

A sail boat or yacht.

What boat has a sail?

A sail boat Also motorsailers and rafts

Did Christopher Columbus sail by boat?

Yes he did sail by boat

What is a Sumerian sail?

a sail boat

Can you swim or sail a boat?


Was the Mayflower boat the first boat to sail to America?

No It was the first boat with English settlers to sail to America

How does the area of the sail affect how quickly a model boat sails?

how does the area of the sail affect how a model boat sail

When a sail boat overtakes a power boat which vessel is the stand on vessel?

When a sail boat overtakes a power boat the power boat is the stand on vessel.

Is a boat under sail a stand on boat?

No !

What is a sail?

A sail is a piece of fabric attached to a boat, causing the wind to drive the boat along.

How do sailboats sail?

With a square rigged sail, the wind simply pushes the boat along. With a fore and aft rigged sail, the wind is caught at an angle and slices on past the sail, pushing the sail hard down wind and a bit forward. A deep keel on the bottom of the sail boat tries to stop the downwind drift and, as a result of a bit of a push forward on the sail, the sail boat manages to scoot across the wind a bit. Square rigged ship: The wind just blows the boat down wind. Fore and aft rigged sailboat (a sloop) Note that the sail boat is tipped over a bit (heeling). This is due to the wind trying to push the sail boat down wind and the bottom of the sail boat (the keel) trying to stop the drift down wind. The wind is slicing off the sails and pushes the sail boat a head a bit.

What the definition of the word sail?

Sail is a sheet of material used to propel a boat. - Or to move on the water in such a boat.