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the force is there and it is easier to row

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Q: Why it is easier to row a sail boat in the direction of wind when you row a sail boat?
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How does a boat sail against the wind?

To sail against the wind, a boat has to 'tack'. This means that instead of sailing straight into the wind (which would get you nowhere) you sail in a zig-zag in the direction you intend to go. On each tack, the wind is on a different side of the sail.

How can the wind pull a sail?

The wind bows on it pushing it forward or any direction the boat is facing

How long does it take to sail a km?

That's going to depend on the windspeed, the direction of the wind compared to the direction of the km you want to sail, the design of the boat, and your skill.

Did the lateen sail decrease a sailer's dependence on the force of the wind or on the direction of the wind?

The lateen sail increased a sailor's ability to sail effectively into the wind, rather than decreasing dependence on the wind's force. By allowing for better maneuverability and efficiency in changing wind conditions, the lateen sail revolutionized sailing techniques and made it easier to sail against the wind.

Did the invention of triangular lateen sails make it possible for ships to sail more easily into the wind?

Allegedly, the lateen sail design made it possible to sail closer into the wind. That is, less than 45 degrees from the direction the wind is blowing. No sail boat can sail directly into the wind. Yet.

How does a Lateen Sail work?

Lateen sails work in much the same way that most other triangular sails work. If the wind is behind the sail it will push the boat/ship/craft/vessel forward. But suppose that the boat is at right angles to the wind. What happens then? The sail is let out on the side of the boat that away from the wind. The wind blows against the surface of the sail. It might strike the surface at an angle of, say 140o. The wind escapes from the side of the sail at its widest point, and the boat slides towards the opposite direction i.e. the direction the boat is facing, its keel preventing it from simply moving/sliding in the water in a path directly away from the wind This is a basic explanation of how a Lateen sail works. Of course, it doesn't fully explain how a boat with Lateen sails can sail almost directly into the wind! For more information, see 'Related links' below.

How Does a Boat Sail Upwind?

A sailing boat can not sail directly upwind, sail at about 45 degrees to the wind and tack (turn the boat through the wind) to the other side of the wind and continue in this zig-zag manner up wind.

How does a boat sail into the wind?

A boat can sail into the wind by sailing backwards and forwards (tacking) at an angle to the wind and so making her way up.

What is the jib sheet on a boat?

it is the small sail on the boat. Wrong. On a boat a sheet is a rope, not a sail. The jib (or foresail) is switched from starboard to port (and vice versa) depending on the wind direction and during tacking. The rope which does this is a jibsheet (Or foresheet).

What does a boat need to sail?


How does sail shape affect a boat's speed?

This will depend on a couple different things: ~boat ~wind pressure ~type of sails they can all change how fast the boat is going and in which direction

How the sail boat works?

Wind pushes in to the sail on a sail boat, the boat then moves.answer 2It pushes only when sailing with the wind directly behind. Most of the time the sail is just like a wing, the curve of the sail causes the wind to move faster across the front of the sail (Bernoulli says faster air, less pressure), slower air behind sail (more pressure) sail generates "lift" in a horizontal direction and moves the boat. Controlling the shape of the sail and its orientation to the wind controls the lift it generates.The keel counter balances the weight of the sails and rigging and the "lift" generated by the sails, it also keeps the boat from just skidding sideways across the water.