With a square rigged sail, the wind simply pushes the boat along.
With a fore and aft rigged sail, the wind is caught at an angle and slices on past the sail, pushing the sail hard down wind and a bit forward. A deep keel on the bottom of the sail boat tries to stop the downwind drift and, as a result of a bit of a push forward on the sail, the sail boat manages to scoot across the wind a bit.
Square rigged ship:
The wind just blows the boat down wind.
Fore and aft rigged sailboat (a sloop)
Note that the sail boat is tipped over a bit (heeling). This is due to the wind trying to push the sail boat down wind and the bottom of the sail boat (the keel) trying to stop the drift down wind. The wind is slicing off the sails and pushes the sail boat a head a bit.
Yes, sailboats can sail into the wind by using a technique called tacking, where they zigzag back and forth to catch the wind at an angle.
Yes most ones with cabins (or places to sleep on the inside) do. Sailboats have motors just in case something happens to the sail.
No. Most small sail boats have a Tiller.
The sail boat was invented by the ancient romansand egyptions 3000 bc
Most new "sail boats" produced have engines strictly for convenience
The cost of a 30 foot sail boat will vary depending on the condition and features of the boat. Used sailboats can be as cheap as 2,500. Newer and high end sailboats can cost anywhere upwards of $40,000.
Yes... some of us refer to it as "harnessing" the wind....
A sailboat can certainly be operating under sail at night. Sailboats use their sails when there is enough wind to carry them.
yes because how else would they sail on the rivers
A D/L ratio is calculated by dividing a boat's displacement in long tons (2,240 pounds) by one one-hundredth of the waterline length (in feet) cubed.
Wind motion is the type of energy used by kites and sailboats.
A boom is used to hold the foot, or bottom of the sail. It is attached to the mast, in various ways. It is simply a pole that stretches out the bottom of the sail to obtain better performance.