A sailing boat can not sail directly upwind, sail at about 45 degrees to the wind and tack (turn the boat through the wind) to the other side of the wind and continue in this zig-zag manner up wind.
The wind hitting the sail at an angle upwind pushes it sideways which is why you zigzag. Downwind wind hit sail straight on
A sail boat or yacht.
On upwind legs, the jib serves to direct the air around the leeward side of the mainsail to reduce pressure on that side, causing forward propulsion in accordance with Bernoulli's Principle. On downwind legs, it serves more like a mainsail, providing additional surface area to drive the boat. This is true of any jib sail on any boat.
A sail boat Also motorsailers and rafts
Yes he did sail by boat
a sail boat
No It was the first boat with English settlers to sail to America
how does the area of the sail affect how a model boat sail
When a sail boat overtakes a power boat the power boat is the stand on vessel.
No !
A sail is a piece of fabric attached to a boat, causing the wind to drive the boat along.