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If you are docked, the marina will charge electric/water/waste fees. Comparatively speaking, it's just like camping out. While travelling, the cost of food is all.

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Q: How much does it cost to live on a sailboat?
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The Most expensive sailboat costs over 126 dollars

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$1,500 per linear foot. Or so.

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With trailer, less than $2,000 US.

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$3,800 and somthing

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How much does a sun powered sailboat cost?

what is a sun powered sailboat? sailboats use the wind to move! some boats have electrical systems that need electricity so they will buy solar panels as an eco friendly, convenient way to power their onboard systems, but I've never heard of a solar powered sailboat. if it used a solar powered motor, it wouldn't be a sailboat, (i mean, it would, but it wouldn't sail, it would motor)

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Where I live they only cost about a dollar.

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Sailboat is your head Sailboat is your headSailboat is your head

How much does it cost to live on a yaught?

about $90,000.00

How much is it to get in water wizz?

It depends where you live but where I live they cost $25 to get in