Leon Trotsky held many beliefs both in political science, economics and in Marxism.
Leon Trotsky believed in the basics of Marxism. He believed that only a violent revolution could bring about a communist society in both Czarist Russia and the Russia ruled by a Provisional Government that replaced the czar when the czar had to abdicate.
Trotsky understood how difficult it would be in transforming Russia to help its people. He believed that perseverance was necessary. He worked long and hard for the goal of creating a Marxist state in Russia.
Trotsky also believed that Josef Stalin had abandoned Marxism and was directing the USSR into a one ruler State. That State would be controlled by Stalin.
Leon Trotsky was murdered in 1940.
Trotsky was murdered in Mexico.
Trotsky was killed by a Russian agent named Ramon Mercader.
Leon Trotsky was born in a town called Yanivka or Yanovka. It was part of the Russian Empire at that time but is now part of Ukraine.
Leon Trotsky was murdered in 1940.
Leon Trotsky believed that a revolutionary movement, once in power had to deal with the question of repression. For Trotsky the form of repression or the degree of repression was not one involved with principles. It was a matter of expediency.
Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky.
Leon Trotsky died on August 21, 1940 at the age of 60.
Trotsky was murdered in Mexico.
After spending imprisonment in Siberia, Leon Trotsky was allowed to live, by Stalin. Trotsky began his exile in Turkey in Alam Ata.
eon Trotsky held a negative view about the Russian peasantry. He believed that social and political barbarism lay in peasant villages.
Leon Trotsky built the Red Army into an efficient military organization.
After Vladimir Lenin died, Stalin's rivals for power were Leon Trotsky, Grigori Zinoviev, Lev Kamenev and Nikolai Bukharin.
Leon Trotsky was one of the Communist leaders of the Russian Revolution in 1917. He died in 1924.
Bolshevik revolutionary leader was Leon Trotsky