steroids have many physical effects to your body the minor thing is acne/boils on your back, then you get problems with abscesses they also put alot of stress on your organs the main being the heart many a strong man using steriods have died due to hart attack
"seasonal". And it doesnt effect sport performance.
ALL DRUGS will affect your performance in some sort of way.
smoking kills.
Damon salvatore!
One can easily faint
mostly wrestling
when you are older your body starts to fail you
truly depends how you controll your anxiety
Attitude can greatly affect your performance in sport. If you go into a game or match already believing that you will lose, you are more likely to lose.If you go into a game or match with the belief that you can win, you are more likely to win.
you will get tired if you are rinning around for a long period of time before you do any sport
A bad attitude can affect your life: 1) It can affect the way you learn. 2) It can affect your performance in a sport or activity.