Absolutely. Research has recently shown that a positive attitude leads to a longer life.
it is learning to state the right view of life.
Economic issues affect our life is very bad
A player with a bad attitude who's negativity has an adverse affect on the other players on his team.
Absolutely. People with a upbeat attitude toward life live longer and have fewer physical problems throughout their lives than pessimists do.
it does not affect your attitude. Up to date is has not been scientificly proven that it does.
Because attitude determins what people think about you. Say you have a bad attitude people think your mean and a brat. But if you have a good attitude people will think your nice and not selfish. So have a good attitude -Jacob
The question is 'why waste the time trying to impress a boy with a bad attitude and is angry?' You can do better so grow up and start looking around for a normal guy and not the 'bad boy' type. You can't tame someone who has a bad attitude or is angry most of the time and a moody person will steal some precious time from your life.
I would think no, it does not. It will only affect you if you let it affect or disrupt you in a bad way.
A negative attitude is a bad attitude. You see everything negative.
It is not difficult to recognize a bad attitude. A person with a bad attitude will usually act inappropriately to the people around them. They may yell, be disrepectful or gossip about others.
If you are in a bad enviroment, you live a pretty bad life. If you live in a good enviroment, you have a better life.