F1 cars are significantly faster than a MotoGP round a track
Formula 1 by a long way
Valentino is not an F1 racer. F1 is cars. Vale races in MotoGP ( prototype motorcycles ). His email address is not given out to strangers.
Some of them can, some of them can't. For example F1 and MotoGP both run at Sepang and Shanghai. But the track has to meet F1's and MotoGP's criteria so that both series can run on the track. An example for one criterion of MotoGP is that the track needs run-off area because if a driver falls on a road course you can imagine that he will be badly hurt because there are no run-off areas.
Bugatti veyron is not as fast as the macleren f1
In 2004, Mr V Rossi lapped the Sepang circuit in qualifying for the Malaysian Grand Prix in the very quick time of 2:01 (dry), that's 2 mins and 1 sec. In the same year a Mr M Schumacher lapped the same circuit in the death defying time of 1 minute and 33seconds. This is a full 75% of the time a motorcycle takes. Or put another way; a F1 car can do 4 laps in the time a MotoGP cycles can do only 3. So, that ends that. Gav. P.S. Cars are also fast at top speeds, ref Thrust SSC Cars are faster accelerators, ref drag racing. Cars are faster round circuits, ref F1 v MotoGP times. Cars are quicker round bends due to a much higher percentage of tyre contact and downforce which adds up to much greater grip factor. Bikes accelerate faster as they have a better power to weight ratio. MotoGP bikes tend to have higher top end speeds (200mph+) than their F1 counterparts as the F1 cars sacrifice raw speed for greater downforce through corners. The two greatest factors determining corner speed are grip from tyres (mechanical) and downforce (aerodynamics). Bikes suffer from having curved tyres with relatively low contact area and no meaningful aerodynamic downforce, thus vastly increased lap times. Incidentally, this places greater emphasis on rider skill. The f1 car is faster every where corners straights overall track.F1.The f1 cars top speed is 229mph Antônio Pizzonia of BMW WilliamsF1. Motogp.The motogp bikes top speed is 217mph recorded by pedrosa of Honda repol. all this evidence has shown that the f1 car is faster than the motogp bike in all areas. But also don't forget that if they race on a track with slight turns going back and forth (turns leading into turns) where the car must turn back and forth and the bike can rip a straight line through, the bike will be more than 25% faster.
Veyron SS I faster
No. F1 are slowest than a Veyron but accelerate quicker. However, F1 cars are electronically limited.