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put the ridges on the side you want to curve index finger on one side of holes
middle finger on other side of holes
make shure to get on the top of the ball while throwing

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Q: How do you throw a curveball with the junk ball?
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What is the best way for a 12-year-old to throw a curveball?

12 year olds shouldn't throw curve balls. Too hard on the elbow. Stick to the change up. Palm the ball, use the same arm angle and wait until after puberty for throwing junk. If you can teach him the knuckle ball, that might be useful.

Is a blitzball better than a junk ball?

The Blitzball does not compare to a Junk Ball! Junk Ball is much easier to throw and much more fun to play with!

What is a curve ball in baseball?

A curveball is a type of pitch in baseball that actually curves as it reaches home plate. A curveball is not a good pitch for young children to throw, because to throw a curveball, you must flick your wrist, which is not good for a young child's wrist. There have been debates on whether a curveball actually curves, or if the pitch actually curves when it reaches the plate. Some nicknames for a curveball are "the bender," "the hook," "Uncle Charlie," "the hammer," "the yakker," "Public Enemy Number 1," or "a breaking pitch."

What does baseball stitching do?

the stitching on a baseball is there so you can throw different pitches such as a curveball. The stiches make the ball move different ways depending on how u grip it and how you throw it

What strategies can a pitcher use to throw a curveball effectively in baseball?

To throw a curveball effectively in baseball, a pitcher can use strategies such as gripping the ball with the index and middle fingers along the seams, applying pressure on the inside of the ball, and snapping the wrist while releasing the ball to create spin. This spin causes the ball to break or curve as it approaches the batter, making it harder to hit. Additionally, varying the arm angle and release point can also help deceive the batter and make the curveball more effective.

What is the difference between a breaking ball and a curve ball?

A curveball falls under the general category of "breaking ball". A "breaking ball" refers to any pitch that is thrown with movement (i.e. a curveball, slider, sinker, etc.").

What is the observations of a curveball?

The curveball is a breaking pitch in baseballthrown with a characteristic grip and hand movement that impart down and/or sideways spin to the ball. It is therefore considered a type of breaking ball. Contrary to a fastball (which has only back spin), the curveball has a diagonal spin that creates a wake behind the ball, making the pitch drop on its way to the plate. A curveball is used to disrupt the opponent's timing. While it is a good pitch for doing so, it is also a dangerous pitch to throw. The increased topspin of the ball has the potential to gain tremendous backspin off of a batter's bat, giving it much added distance if well hit. For pitchers, it is better to throw a straight breaking ball, one that breaks from high to low as opposed to side to side. The simple argument for this is that the batter has 33 inches to hit a side to side pitch, while only one inch to hit an up to down pitch.

What pitches does David robertson throw?

Four seam Fastball, curveball, change up

In what sport would you perform a 'Curveball'?

You can perform a curveball in many sports, Soccer, Cricket, Tennis, Baseball, almost every sport that contains a ball

Other than the fast ball what kind of pitches are there?

screwball,curveball,and knuckleball.

Why do baseballs curve?

Baseballs curve due to the pitch that is thrown. There are many different pitches that can be thrown to make the ball curve, such as the curveball, slider, gyro and many more. Each pitch has a different grip and a different way to throw the ball. You need to use your wrist to whip the ball and cause the curvature.

What is the difference between a fast ball and a curve ball?

The main difference between a slider and curveball is the way that they move. Imagine your throwing a slider at a clock. It would go from 3 to 9. However, if you were to throw a curveball at a clock it would go from about 1:30 to 7:30.