Yes all vegetables are better than junk food
MY sims kingdom is better than that JUNK...
No, a Johnson guitar is NOT better than a Squire...Johnson guitars are junk.
ps3 is better than the xbox 360 and the xbox was just junk not as good as a PS2
Yes. Twinkies contain processed sugar or high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). They are considered a junk food. Organic foods are much better for you than any junk foods.
They are both junk. Get a Yamaha.
Don't listen to those junk. Joe Montana is better
Nothing's better than a masterball. it catches any Pokemon without any miss. it's impossible to not catch a Pokemon with the MB. and by the way, what IS a cherish ball?
It is the human psychology that tells us junk food is better than home made food.