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I have just recently started playing softball and I get my answer from those more experienced. It has been said to place the ball in the freezer for as long as possible. Then, take the ball out and microwave it to shrink the cover tighter around the core. I cannot tell you that this works because I hae never tried it. I would at least think that freezing the ball would be somewhat beneficial but may have some after effects in game play. Trial and error until your comfortable with your method of creating an edge.

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15y ago

Guns, cigarettes, leather jackets, motorbikes, and liquid nitrogen. Just throw it at a baby

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Is softball of baseball the harder sport to play?

softball is so much harder! baseball is such a wimpy spot for guys.. there pitching is just like throwing.. so yea softball is harder.. so all the guys out there who think baseball is harder DIE

Is ballet harder than softball?

YES! it requires more stamina, strength, etc.

What can you inject in a softball to make it harder?

Nothing, real ball players dont need loaded softball bats or doctored balls. Man up, practice a little and get better.

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A baseball is smaller and harder than a softball.

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What are the differences between a softball and a baseball?

a softball is larger, and most of the time harder. a baseball is used in mens baseball, as to a softball is used in womens. hope i helped,

Which is harder to hit baseball pitches or softball pitches?

WELL IF YOU WATCH SPORT SCIENCE THAN IT TELLS YOU THAT SOFTBALL IS HARDER THAN BASEBALL. JENNIE FINCH BROKE BULLET PROOF GLASS BUT THE BASEBALL JUST BOUNCED OFF THE GLASS. The softball is not harder than a baseball it may be bigger but the softball is not that hard! i play softball and i know that a softball is not harder than a baseball because i got hit with a softball and it didn't hurt as much as the baseball.....and the people who were pitching pitched the exact same speed! so there u have it a baseball IS HARDER than a softball!!!! Yes it is a fact that baseballs are harder than softballs because they are wound tighter. It may be a smaller ball but it is solid. softballs are rubber with string wrapped around it so they fly almost 200 ft less than a baseball will.

Does freezing a softball make it go farther?

Yes it does. Will a hard compression ball go farther than a softer one? The harder the ball the farther it will travel.

Why do women play softball and not baseball?

it is a proven fact by jennie finch a USA olympic player that softball is harder to play than baseball.

Why is it harder than a baseball?

Because Joe Dirt made a softball when he found it outside his house and he thought it was a softball but it was not it was just a big rolling turd!!

Why softball has harder practices?

I dont think it's just softball. It's a good training principle to have harder practices so players are ready come tournament time. Principle of overload is important because our amazing body can adjust to any given stimuli that's why practices get harder and harder because you want your body to get stronger

When you hit in softball does your wrist come first?

Yes so you can hit the ball harder