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bj penn and anderson silva have done it, i dont know who was first though as there is one more!

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Q: Who was the first UFC fighter to finish a fight in the 5th round?
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When did Ali knock out liston?

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Who was the First fighter to finish a fight with Mike Tyson?

James "quick" tillis was the first pro to go the distance with Tyson in 1986. later that same month, mitch "blood" green also went the 10 round distance.

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A professional boxer will be paid about $500 per four-round fight. If a fighter takes part in a six-round fight, they will make about $750. An eight-round fight will have a fighter earning between $1,000 and $1,500.

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The easiest way is with a bye. So the 5th fighter goes through as if he had won a fight. then one of the other 2 victorious fighters would be given a bye to final to meet the winner of fighter 5 and the other fighter left in it after round 1.A mini-tournament would be better with 5, with each fighter fighting the other 4 opponents, with a points system of some sort.

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What is a decision in MMA?

a decision in mma is when neither fighter wins and the fight goes to the last round and the judges decide who wins the bout.

How are boxing fights scored?

=== === Points are calculated as follows: There are typically 3 judges for each fight. If a judge deems that fighter A has won or out boxed fighter B in a round, then he will score the round 10 to fighter A and 9 to fighter B. If fighter B is knocked down by fighter A and receives a standing count, then the round is scored 10 points to fighter A and 8 points to fighter B. If the judge decides that neither fighter won a round then he or she will score it 10 points to each fighter. If a fighter is a penalized by the referee, eg for a low blow, then the referee will instruct the judges to deduct a point for that fighter from their score card for that round only. The referee also scores each round on his own score card, but this only used if there is no clear winner from the judges. At the end of all 12 rounds the points are totaled for all the rounds and each judge gives his or her decision for the whole fight. So Judge 1 might score it 118 to fighter B and 119 to fighter A and give fighter A the decision. Judge 2 will give his total and Judge 3 will give his total. A Judge may total his scoring and both fighters receive the same total of points. The decision from that judge will be a draw. The fighter with the most judges' decisions wins. A split decision is one judge scores it a win for fighter A and the other two judges score it a win for fighter B. If however, one judge scores it a draw, one scores it a win for fighter A and one scores it a win for fighter B, then and only then is the referee's score card used to try and decide a winner. If there is still no outright winner the fight is classed as a draw (which is what most fans hate).

In what round of their first fight did norton break Ali's jaw?

i believe it was the second round.

What is going to be better UFC Undisputed or Fight Night Round 4?

UFC Undisputed.Amazing graphics,KOs arent as easy like in the Fight Night series,and like F.N. you get a Cutman,Cornerman,and You can see damage to your fighter after each round depending on how well you did.

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Joe Louis (5 first round knockouts).

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