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i believe it was the second round.

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Q: In what round of their first fight did norton break Ali's jaw?
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Did Ken Norton break Ali's jaw twice in two different fights?

NO, only in the second round of the first fight. I believe ali had a tooth removed a week before which didnt help.

Did joe frasier break Muhammad Ali's jaw?

No, Joe Frazier did not break Muhammad Ali's jaw. Muhammad Ali's jaw was broken in his fight against Ken Norton on March 31, 1973. Ali continued to fight for the full 12 rounds but lost the bout. Joe Frazier and Ali had three epic fights, but the jaw injury was not a result of their matches.

What year did Ali and Norton fight?

they fought three times they met twice in 1973, norton won the first, ali won the second, then they met again in 1976 for Ali's world title, and ali won a controversion decison.

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Joe Louis (5 first round knockouts).

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1964 first fight 1965 second fight.

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On September 12, 1899, Terry McGovern stopped Pedlar Palmer in the 1st round, which was the first world championship bout, Queensberry Rules, to end by a one-round KO.

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green won by first round ko.

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George Foreman stopped Jose (King) Roman in the 1st round on September 1, 1973.

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Gene Fullmer (first fight). Fullmer won a 15 round decision.

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Does Kimbo Slice win his first fight against Roy Nelson?

No, he got knocked out in the second round.

Who did Muhammad ali first face after his exile from boxiing?

his first fight back was a 15 round non title fight against top contender jerry quarry. ali won when quarry got a badly cut eye, and the fight was stopped in the third.