The ability to strike a blow that is fatal is not dependent on the style of martial art that one studies. It is a factor of who is doing the striking and what their intent is.
The term "Kung Fu" describes the martial arts of China, and there are literally hundreds, possibly over a thousand different empty-hand, and weapon styles. Karate refers to an Okinawa martial art that spread from there to Japan, Korea and the rest of the world. It is my personal opinion, Karate is better for modern day life because it takes less time to master and include more strikes then a lot of basic Chinese martial arts. If you want to become a martial arts master and a human weapon, then I would say Kung Fu, because of the enormous volume of styles available to you. Granted that you find a competent teacher.
Kung fu doesnt use belts it uses sashes. They follow the same color as karate.
It not expensive. you can go to kungfu solutions to contact with to learn more information, they can provide shaolin kungfu, wudang taichi chuan training with best professional school and good price.
You watched that Shaw Brothers movie didn't you? In case you didn't, I think its called "Invincible Shaolin," in which northern monks kill southern ones, or are tricked into killing them, and then southern monks seek revenge. In actual history, it is in fact the southern Shaolin temple which had the better win reccord, reason being southern China had a much larger popuation, and with it a larger talent pool. The effectiveness of either branch of Shaolin Kung Fu, as with all martial arts, is dependent mostly on the practitioner's own willpower, age, purity of heart and mind, and the guidance they receive more than anything. True some styles are more effective than others, but even a practical, relatively easy to learn method of fighting such as MMA for example will be ineffective if the practitioner is weak willed.
one style of martial arts is never better than another, because its a form of art its about self expression and is therefore dependent on the person. Or, Leopard is a more advanced form of Kung Fu, both Leopard and Tiger are lethal styles versatile in myriad circumstances, but a beginner would not learn leopard to start in almost all cases. Leopard is based on speed, quick, repetative attacks. Tiger is more focused on strong rooting, powerful core and is very deadly as well.
Wushu is the Chinese martial art also known as kung fu and is not karate.Wushu is not Karate. It is more of a sports nature kung fu. Karate orginated in Japan (Okinawa) whereas Wushu is an Chinese martial art.
Martial arts kung fu originated about 4500 years ago in china. it is generally a much more fluid art than karate. however, karate is a derivative of kung fu. each have many branches, styles and philosophies. so generally speaking karate = more hard linear movements and kung fu= more soft fluid circular movements
Karate was based on a combination of kung fu and Okinawan wrestling. They are very similar in most of the basic techniques and principles. Karate tends to be a bit more direct and stresses power.
While both of them are quite effective martial arts, karate is by its nature more deadly. Judo was derived from Jujitsu. It was designed to be a sport and used in competition. As such it was intended to be 'safe' to the practitioners and not deadly. Karate was never intended for competition, but is designed to be effective and take the opponent out of action.
Karate originated in Okinawa (now part of Japan) and Kung-Fu is Chinese. Both are forms of martial arts but each has its distinctive methods and style. The roots of karate are a blending of local wrestling and Kung Fu.
it also depends how the person carries out the martial art...they can both be deadly but different techniques in kung fu can be more deadly than some techniques in tae kwon do and vice versa.
No its all over the world. Shaolin Kung fu originated from Song mountain original Shaolin Temple,Deng Feng City.Nowadays,more and more people from around the world to go to China to learn kung fu and seek the authentic Shaolin Kung Fu.
Kung-Fu Jujitsu Akido Karate Wing Chun And lots more!
No one knows the exact period of Karate's development. Yet, it is a continuous process. There are many branches of Karate and some more sub-branches. New styles of Karate are being developed each year. I think, originally karate came from Chinese Martial Arts (maybe Kung-fu and Kung-fu ages back to Ancient History- Rise of Buddhism). So, I think Karate's development is a topic of Research and just out of the scope of this answer.
There are many related martial arts. Karate is derived from Kung Fu, making it more of a child then a cousin. Karate has a number of related arts, including kobudo, judo, aikido and many of the Japanese martial arts.
During the Ming to Qing dynasty transition, the monks of Shaolin combined Daoist breathing exercises with their martial arts to create a new form of spiritual enlightenment. You can read more about this in The Shaolin Monastery (2008) by Prof. Meir Shahar.
There is more than one person who created the original karate. It evolved over centuries. Now there have been more different styles of karate made by different people. Here are some of the key teachers: -Sakukawa Kanga -Matsumura Sokon -Itosu Anko -Arakaki Seisho -Higaonna Kanryo -Gichin Funakoshi -Motobu Choki Karate was originally called To De (Chinese hand) and was developed by several masters in the course of time. No specific person invented it but it was invented for self defense.