Start with the left temple,right temple,left arm,right arm,left chest,thrust to the stomach,right chest,left foot, right foot,left eye,right eye and lastly the crown.
fighting arts in triangle! actually its not Arni's,,,,its ARNIS.. arnis is the Philippine national sport!
The Basic Blocking Techniques in Arnis are: 1. Outward Block 2. Inward Block 3. Downward-Inward Block 4. Downward-Outward Block 5. Rising Block 6. Vertical Block
You might hurt yourself when practicing Arnis.
Arnis is the name of martial arts in the Philippines. Some of the equipment used to fight in Arnis includes knives, sticks or weapons with blades.
Filipino Martial Arts are now seen as the most progressive in the world, arnis is one of the most popular types. There are 7 different stances in arnis; ready, attention, forward, oblique, straddle, side and back.
fighting arts in triangle! actually its not Arni's,,,,its ARNIS.. arnis is the Philippine national sport!
self defense, self-discipline, camaraderie!
There is two technique of arc initiation, first TAPPING Technique and second SCRATCH Technique. TAPING Technique is generally use in GTAW and SCRATCH Technique is used for SMAW process.
his is my self definition...Arnis as a sport means it is a GAME played by two people using 2 wooden sticks as a weapon, there is a loser and a winner at the end of the game... while Arnis as an art is all about the technique, creativity, deliverance of the moves, gracefulness of the hand, coordination of the hands and body to make a beautiful exhibition...
what is arnis
George Arnis
Mechanics of arnis
The Basic Blocking Techniques in Arnis are: 1. Outward Block 2. Inward Block 3. Downward-Inward Block 4. Downward-Outward Block 5. Rising Block 6. Vertical Block
Arnis-was a bogu
arnis stick
You might hurt yourself when practicing Arnis.