self defense, self-discipline, camaraderie!
figure of 8 redonda banda ybanda abaniko corto and largo "x" movement
The Basic Blocking Techniques in Arnis are: 1. Outward Block 2. Inward Block 3. Downward-Inward Block 4. Downward-Outward Block 5. Rising Block 6. Vertical Block
The Basic Blocking Techniques in Arnis are: 1. Outward Block 2. Inward Block 3. Downward-Inward Block 4. Downward-Outward Block 5. Rising Block 6. Vertical Block
A good fighter in Arnis is skilled in weapon and empty-hand techniques, has good footwork and agility, and possesses quick reflexes. They are adaptable, able to react and counter effectively in various situations, and have good stamina to endure long matches.
what is arnis
George Arnis
Mechanics of arnis
Arnis-was a bogu
arnis stick
You might hurt yourself when practicing Arnis.
fundamental skills in arnis