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Even though Judo and Karate are both Japanese Martial Arts they focus on completely different fighting styles.

Karate means empty hand, Karate focuses primarily on striking techniques such as delivering punches and kicks, karate practitioners are trained to maximize the force behind their punches/kicks.

Judo means the gentle way, the sport of Judo was formed from traditional Japanese combat art of Ju-Jutsu. Modifications were made which eliminated striking techniques, in Judo instead of going strength against strength the practitioner uses their opponents leverage to throw them. Judo unlike Karate also involves grappling and the use of joint locks, wind and blood chokes. It is impossible to with 100% accuracy state which art is better, from stand-up karate has the advantage of using strikes and the judo practitioner who does not use strikes has throws and leg sweeps at their disposal.

Karate practitioners who are not trained to fight on the ground are at a major disadvantage to the Judo practitioner who is trained in grappling, joint locks, and wind/blood chokes. Both styles have their advantages and disadvantages and neither style is better than the other, it all depends on the practitioner.

In my opinion the best fighting style would not be a single style but a mixture of styles; such as a mixture of muay thai, judo, karate, and Brazilian jujitsu.

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What is the coolest martial art?

Karate all the way. i know i do karate and have done a couple others. karate is the best.

What is Steven Seagal's fighting style?

Actually Segal is a 7th degree black belt or dan in Tenshin Aikido, affiliated with Aikikai of Osaka Japan, He mixes it with American Kempo as seen example his first and best film Above the Law and with the best kempo in Glimmerman and Under Siege.

What is the toughest fighting style?

Aikido; although during practice, you learn all sorts of attacks, ranging from tackles, to kicks, among other things, the emphasis of the martial art is entirely defensive. Judo is also effective because of the high survival rate of its practitioners in dangerous cities around the world.

What is a better combination Muay Thai and Kung Fu or Muay Thai and karate or Muay Thai and ninjutsu?

All martial arts are better or worse based on the amount of interest and dedication the practitioner puts into training them. There is no finite better or worse in martial arts, only the tests of time and fighting. If you enjoy training Kung Fu, Karate, or Ninjutsu, then it is best to train what holds your interest and your efforts best, so you can achieve your goals to the fullest! Interesting combinations though: Muay Thai can be enhanced with certain Kung Fu's iron body training. Karate can enhance throws and ranged attacks for Muay Thai. Ninjutsu is generally illegal in sport fighting, but great to add to Muay Thai for dirty fighting and clinch work since it often implies Judo-esque throws and elbows/knees. Good luck in your training!

What is the best martial arts discipline for precision and versatility?

Karate Shotokan.

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That will depend on what it is you are looking for. If there is a specific style of karate, your organization is probably the best bet. If you are looking for karate in general Mark Bishop's book Okinawan Karate is a good source. Haines Karate's History and Tradition is another source.

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Better for what? If you want to fight in a ring with rules, the study of the MMA are probably best. If you wish to learn a traditional martial art with the philosophy associated with it, karate is probably best. While some believe that mixed martial arts will serve you better in a street fight, you will miss out on the philosophical parts of karate.

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Karate all the way. i know i do karate and have done a couple others. karate is the best.

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try karate kid, it is very funny... hope i helped