Itosu Ankō - He is denoted as the godfather of karate.
Sensei Gichin Funakoshi - He is the founder of Shotokan and is considered as the father of modern karate.
Higaonna Kanryō
Really good teachers can trace their lineage back to Matsumura, who taught Itosu.
There is no best type of karate. Each style has has its own merits and demerits, but they all aim to achieve the common goal of self-defense. It is the player that makes the style best. If you are good in practicing then every type of karate is good for you.
If you are asking this question as a suggestion of which style to join then I would say that it would be best bet to join some popular style like shotokan, shito-ryo, goju-ryu, wado-ryu, kyokushin, etc. But a lot depend on school/dojo too, so take demo classes and join what you like.
The best style of karate will be the one that fits you, your goals and your lifestyle. Different styles focus on different aspects of the martial art. Some are based on competition, with trophies for kata and fighting. Others are designed to provide hard core self defense training and don't play games. And the full spectrum in between the two. Find the school and teacher that fits you and what you want.
The one that you like. It is hard to learn a martial art if you do not enjoy it. The other thing to evaluate is what you want from it.
Some questions to ask yourself:
You can find a good article at the link below.
Karate is very good for girls. Some of my best students are girls. They have good focus and learn well.
Kicks Karate (only in Maryland)
It is not recommended to learn Karate from a mobile application. Karate requires very much discipline which can not be achieved unless you get the guidance of a good teacher. Hence you should join a local karate school.
There is a gym in San Fierro that is South of the garage you own when you get there. Inside, an old man will be standing there with a red marker, and if you beat him, you will learn the karate moves.
You don't need physcal requiremants in karate. Karate is a place to learn not qualify.
well everybody can learn karate as long as they can do it and they love it.
Yes, a child can learn karate, at least the gross moves and kata. The application may not work for them until they are larger and stronger.
The same way that any individual trains and learns karate. They study with an instructor.
Not all Asians are good at karate. People who learn and constantly practice karate will eventually become good at the martial art.
Did you try a nudist club?
Indian film actor Salman Khan is taking an interest in learning Karate.