Certainly. Samurai warriors were martial artists in the truest form of the term.
Not sure what you mean by "Pop up", but if you mean a sudden movement to startle it's called a "Blitz" The move to jump to their feet from laying on the back is sometimes as referred to as 'kip up.'
Its not that Dana white hates kimbo its just that he dosent think kimbo has the potential to make it to the ufc. i mean if u look at it kimbo is basically a street fighter with no real martial arts expirence so he would probably get killed against an actually martial artist.
Hatsu Hioki is a mixed martial artist. Hatsu is a Japanese word, sometimes used with a name. The word has several meanings, one of them is 'first' or 'beginning.' It can also mean 'heart.' Hatsu-Basho is a sumo tournament held each year.
The term black belt refers to a martial artist who has achieved a certain level of expertise in his chosen art. Many believe that a black belt is an expert, but its more accurate to think of a black belt as a graduate: like a high school graduate. A black belt might best be described as competent in his martial art.
Martial efficacy, we can define it by breaking it down into the two words. Martial in this context is defined as 'fighting', 'warlike', 'soldierly'. Efficacy is the the power to produce a desired effect. So martial efficacy is the level at which someone can effectively be soldierly, warlike etc. In laymen's terms - the level at which someone can effectively fight.
Probably that owner is Mexican martial artist..!
the mind and body, but if you want to be literal, the hands, if you use them correctly. If you say "tool" as in object, the blade. By blade I mean any blade, throwing knife, machete, samurai sword ect.
It means that one has taken on the responsibility of learning and practicing a martial arts with great diligence. One doesn't slack on the effort of practice and teaching the art that one has dedicated themselves to.
It's japanese. Literally "way of literary and military arts". A samurai saying. Japanese author Yukio Mishima expressed it as "harmony of pen and sword". Ideally, samurai were expected to be gentlemen warriors, to be learned in books as in the martial arts.
no she is just insane and kinda stupid and mean/strict she is a martial artist though not as strong as Goku.
Yes, it was.
If you mean samurai swords, then yes. If you mean actually hiring samurai, then no. Some ninja were former samurai however.
It depends on which Joe Lewis you mean. If it was the martial artist one, then he died in 1983. If you mean the football player, then he died in 2009. If it was none of them, I'm sorry. This is all I know.
It means that he does a lot of his paintings about France instead of thrm being about England
That would depend on the artist him or herself. Being pagan doesn't mean they will all have the same ideals.
Did you mean what did the samurai do and where? Because, if yes, the samurai are warriors of Japan. They are no here anymore, but they played an important role in japan history. The samurai were warriors.
I presume you mean "Seven Samurai" For the record it was Akira Kurosawa.