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In a combat situation it is pretty hard to do, as things move very fast. However, as one studies and observes, you start to recognize certain techniques as being taught by different styles. But given the limitations on how the human body moves, many of the techniques are used in many styles. The arm bar is one example that is found in every martial art.

The Isshinryu fist is relatively unique in karate.

Taekwondo has higher kicks than most styles.

Japanese Martial Arts typically have deeper/wider stances.

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You learn the same things you learn in most martial arts. Patience, as well as improvement of physical ability in stamina and flexibility are high on the list. Grappling is an important aspect of the art.

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AikidoA variant of Aikido or something similar

Is Aikido deadly?

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Judo would be closely related to Aikido.

What is the Best martial art for defeating someone twice your size?

Aikido, the Art of Peace, Love, and Connection

Is Aikido Korean?

No. Korea does have a similar martial art, but Aikido is Japanese.

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Wrere is the location dojo of aikido in Indonesia?

aikido in Indonesia location dojo