because hapkido applies alot of teakwondo, aikido, and karate it would not be such a bad choice, but most of it relies on your trainer and coach.
Hapkido is very effective and dangerous. TaeKwonDo would be a good beginner art for striking skills. After 2nd or 3rd Dan, study HapKiDo. Different strikes, plus joint locks, plus throws will have you well rounded.
Hapkido and Aikido are entirely different martial arts. As far as belts, these are entirely dependent on the dojo or school of each art and would be difficult to standardize.
Korea Hapkido Federation was created in 1965.
Hapkido has the potential to kill an opponent but that is not its purpose. It is to be used for defense.
because he's not signed with the ufc..... and because he is not a good fighter and even a lightweight would be able to knock him out. so therefore if he were in the game it would throw off the balance
a ufc would win because wwe is sometimes fake.
Hapkido is the Korean equivalent of the Japanese Akido. It draws much of its origin from the art of Akido itself.
although its always a good thing to have, UFC doesn't require a good education from its fighters... for example, Diego Sanchez...
yes it is
go to ufc websit they have all the information you need and good luck
Hapkido has korean Tae Kwon Do Shorinji Kempo and chinese Kung fu origins
Theres no chance for the average person except a really good sucker punch. Once a UFC fighter squares off,his boxing skills would come into play,and if he clinches the tapout would be within one minute.