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That will depend on the instructors. Some schools do not allow students of questionable moral character to participate. There is no law against it, though most prison systems do not allow it to be taught inside.

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How long would it take for a person to learn martial arts?

To learn one martial art is impossible. Learning in martial arts does not end.

How long does it take to gain back belt in martial arts?

in most martial arts it takes about 4-6 years to become a black belt

What are the significant characteristics of arnis martial arts that make it different from other martial arts?

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What is the ultimate form of martial arts?

There is no 'ultimate' form. Martial arts were developed in many places over great stretches of time. They take many forms.

How do you fight like Bruce Lee?

Take a martial arts class.

How much does it take to get the black belt?

depends on the type of martial arts

Are martial arts Japanese?

Martial Arts refers to the skills used in combat. Every country has martial arts and some originated in Japan, but not all of them.

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All styles of martial arts do.

What are the significant characteristic of arnis martial arts that make it different from other martial atrs?

the Arni's martial arts have a rattan stick. while the other martial arts have no weapon

What is the best martial arts studio for families?

Most likely Taekwondo or Karate, these martial arts have many families involved and most studios of these take both children and adults as students, compared to martial art styles like BJJ that may not.

What does Martial Arts starts with?

What does Martial Arts starts with? It starts by greeting your opponent.

When was Martial Arts Weekend created?

Martial Arts Weekend was created in 2002.