Its 1100cc on a go kart :D
The Mini Beast.
What the prospects of success ogf go-kart track in Pakistan?
well what you need to do is go to a go kart hire place and ask them if they have any forms tho become a go kart race or you can go to a moterbike shop
I would like an answer to this as well. I've estimated based on scooters using a 150cc 4 stroke engine as the baseline for comparison. An average scooter will get about 80 mpg. The weight of their frame tends to be about half or less of that of a go-kart (265 lb. vs 550 lb.). Presuming that 2 times the weight equals half the efficiency; then I'm guess-timating a go-kart is at 30 to 40 mpg. With this engine the scooter can go about 65 mph. The go-kart can go about 45 mph. As I understand it a smaller engine would be slower, but fuel efficiency would increase. It would be good to find a light weight but resilient frame for the body as well. Anyone else have some ideas or information on this? References for mpg and weights:
An 4 stroke racing go-kart's top speed is 50 mph! Some models can reach even more - up to 66 mph! On MYGOKARTS.COM we have a wide range of 4 stroke go karts. Check it to see them with your eyes.
At a go kart place
Its 1100cc on a go kart :D
Where can I driver my go kart
This is a shop-n-go kart.
go to a go kart store or ebay!
The Mini Beast.
A Superkart is the fastest kind of go-kart.
DON'T! It is dangerous!
a go-kart
you go to and you buy the how to make your own go kart. Yooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What the prospects of success ogf go-kart track in Pakistan?