

Best Answer

2006 - Turin, Italy

2004 - Athens, Greece

2002 - Salt Lake City, USA

2000 - Sydney, Australia

1998 - Nagano, Japan

1996 - Atlanta, USA

1994 - Lillehammer, Norway

1992 - Barcelona, Spain

1988 winter - Calgary, Canada

1988 summer - Seoul, South Korea

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12y ago

In Olympia. It is a place built especially for the sports events held in every 4 years. It is in the northwest part of the Peloponnesos (which is the southern part of the Balkans, i. e. Greece.)

Olimpia has nothing to do with Mount Olympus, where the gods and goddesses lived according to the ancient Greeks.

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7y ago

Athens, Greece between April 6 and April 15, 1896.

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15y ago

The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens Greeece in April of 1896. The IV and XXVII Olympic Games were also held in Athens Greece in 1906 an 2004 respectively.

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Athens, Greece

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in greece

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Q: Which city held the first modern Olympics?
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What year was the first modern olympics held?

The first Modern Olympics were held in 1896 in Athens, Greece.

Why were the modern Olympics started?

When the modern Olympics started in 1896,the first place winners were given silver medals because gold was thought to be....Inferior, Terribly expensive, and Witchcraft metal OR Royal stuff.The modern Olympics started in 1896 at Athens,Greece.The modern Olympics was re-established after about fifteen hundred years since it was abolished by the Romans.In 1894,a frenchman named Baron Pierre De Coubertin had the idea of reviving the Olympics.Following his suggestion,an international congress of fifteen nations joined together and held a meeting.Finally they agreed and the first Olympics were held in the rebuilt stadium in you know

Why was the Olympic games held in ancient Greece?

The first modern Olympics were held in Athens, Greece, because Greece 'invented' the Olympics in ancient times. The date was 1896. During WW2 they were suspended of course. They were scheduled for 1940 as they were in Berlin in 1936. Hitler got into the way for the never held 1940 Olympics. I have a comment on the modern day Olympics. In ancient Greece the idea was to credit the individual winners .. they were never intended to be a contest as to how many medals a country won. In ancient Greece the city states entered athletes but as example Sparta did not gather medals...

Who was zeus' favorite city-state?

From every thing I have heard personally, I think Zeus's favorite city state is Olympia. This is where the Olympics were held every four years in his honor.

Why are the Olympics called the Olympics?

The modern Olympic Games were started in 1894 when Pierre Fredi, Baron de Coubertin wanted to have an international understanding through sporting competition. I think the olympic games are cool to watch. I am a differrent person then the ones who mad and edited it. The Olympics are dangerous, someone died in training. And training is usually so much work. What's wrong with just watching sports? Also the olympic games was made up to train the army for war.

Related questions

What city first held the modern Olympics?


Which city held the first Olympics?

The ancient Olympics were held at Olympia, the first modern games were at Athens.

Which city was home to the first Olympics?

It depends on what era of the Games that your talking about. The Ancients Olympics were held at Olympia, hence the name Olympics. And in the 1800s, when the Modern Olympics started; Athens was the first city to host the new Games.

When and where the first modern winter Olympics held?

When and where were the first modern Summer Olympics held

What year were the first modern Olympics held?

The first modern Olympics were held in Athens, Greece in 1896.

Which city held the first modern olypics?

The first international Olympics in the sense we now understand it was held in Athens in 1896.

Which city was the modern Olympics held in?


Where was the first Olympics first held?

Both the first ancient Olympics and the first modern Olympics were held in Greece.

How many year have the modern Olympics have been held for?

In Greece, 1896, was when the first "modern" Olympics were held.

Where was the first modern Olympics held?

Where was the first modern Olympic held. The answer is Athens

What year was the first modern olympics held?

The first Modern Olympics were held in 1896 in Athens, Greece.

What year was the first modern olympic games?

The first modern Olympics were held 1896 in athens Greece