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The modern Olympic Games were started in 1894 when Pierre Fredi, Baron de Coubertin wanted to have an international understanding through sporting competition. I think the olympic games are cool to watch.

I am a differrent person then the ones who mad and edited it. The Olympics are dangerous, someone died in training. And training is usually so much work. What's wrong with just watching sports?

Also the olympic games was made up to train the army for war.

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13y ago
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8y ago

The original Olympic games were competitions held between athletes from the city-states of ancient Greece. The first competition was held in Olympia, Greece in 776 BC.

The Olympic Games get their name from Mt. Olympus (which is quite far from the plains of Olympia). Mt. Olympus was the home of the ancient Greek gods, in whose honor the games were performed every four years.

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7y ago

The first Olympics were held in 776BC, in honour of the Greek God Zeus.

In 1896, the 1st International Olympic Games, also known as the first Olympics of the Modern Era, took place in Athens.

The ideal was for a gradual acceptance of the Olympic Idea in a new International framework.

the olymoics were invented for fun

It evolved from the funeral games of local heroes, principally Pelops, after whom the Peloponnese is named.
The Olympic games were athletic contests between the city-states of Greece in honor of the gods, who lived at the top of Mt. Olympus.
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15y ago

The Olympic games are loosely based on the ancient Olympic Games of ancient Greece. These were called the Olympic Games because they were held in Olympia, which was a plain in the district of Elis, in southern Greece that was regarded as a sacred region.

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7y ago

They were held in honour of the Greek high god Zeus, at his temple at Olympia in southern Greece.

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7y ago

As a festival for the god Zeus at Olympia in the city-state of Elis.

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12y ago

Zeus created the Olympics in Olympia.

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8y ago

As a festival to the god Zeus.

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