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No women were not allowed to take part in the ancient Olympics , started in Athens by the Greeks.

No women were not allowed to take part in the ancient Olympics , started in Athens by the Greeks.

and they get burned and have to stay in the house for days

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Yes, they do get punished if they watched. They would have to jump off a cliff and into the ocean or sea.....

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12y ago

It is thought that women were not allowed to watch theatre or perform at the theatre, although male actors did play women roles.

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Continue Learning about Ancient History

Who watched th ancient greek olympic games?

There was running, discus, javelin, races with armour on, triple jump, double jump, wrestling, boxing, chariot racing and fighting.

Why did Greece have meetings outdoors?

to allow visitors to watch

How have the Olympics changed since they started in Ancient Greece?

Ancient and Modern OlympicsSimilaritiesWe still have discus, javelin, wrestling.There are many of the same events like racesthey were also held every four yearsThe winner gets an award that was not moneyDifferencesThey used to sprint but it wasn't a 100 meters.There were no world records in the Ancient GamesThere were no water sportsThere were no winter sportsThere were no women allowed to compete, and only young, umarried women were allowed to watch. Married women that were even inside Olympia were thrown off cliffs.The Ancient Games were a religious festival, so oxen were sacrificed and eaten.There was no Olympic Torch Relay.

Were women important in ancient Greece?

Women played no part in the Ancient Games as they were not allowed to even watch the games, let alone take part. The reason behind this is due to the fact that Olympia was dedicated to Zeus and was therefore a sacred area for men. The chariot races (introduced in later games) were held outside the sacred precinct, were open to women spectators. However some accounts do remark that the priestess of Demeter was required to attend and that maidens were also permitted to watch.

Who was allowed to watch the ancient Olympics?

In honor of Zeus, games were held. Crowds of all kinds of people (everyone who was interested) would gather to watch games such as discus-throwing, longjump, and running. "Every fourth year between 776 BC and AD 395, the Olympic Games, held in honour of the god Zeus, the supreme god of Greek mythology, attracted people from across Greece. Crowds watched sports such as running, discus-throwing and the long-jump."

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Who wasn't allowed to watch the ancient Olympic games in Greece?


Who wasn't allowed to compete in Ancient Greece Olympics?

Women were not permitted to watch the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece

Who watches the Olympic games in ancient Greece?

The children and the men. Women are not allowed to watch.

Were women allowed to watch the ancient greek games?

No, they were not allowed to perform in theatre, only men. But a Greek man, Phrynichus, was the first man to use female characters but not actual females Hope this helps.

Who were allowed to be athleat in ancient greece?

All free male Greek citizens were allowed to participate in athletic events in ancient Greece, no matter what their social status was. Women were excluded from becoming athletes, but single women could watch athletic events, while married women were forbidden.

What did the ancient Greeks mean when they called their theatre a seeing place?

In the theatre you watch so....

Were woman aloud to watch the ancient Olympics in Greece?


Who were allowed to watch the ancient Olympics?

Only men and unmarried women were allowed to watch the games. It was punishable by death for a married woman to watch the games.

Why weren't married women allowed to compete or watch the ancient Greece Olympics?

It was a male religious celebration in honour of the god Zeus. Women had their own religious events which males were banned from.

What is the Clash of Titans?

a movie about the titans of ancient Greece

Who was allowed to watch the ancient olympic games?

married women and men.

Who watched th ancient greek olympic games?

There was running, discus, javelin, races with armour on, triple jump, double jump, wrestling, boxing, chariot racing and fighting.