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Q: Which us men's beach volleyball player has beat cancer twice?
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What is a doublehit in volleyball?

A double hit in volleyball is when the same player contacts the ball twice without another player touching the ball.

Can a player touch the ball twice if first touch was a block in volleyball?


What happens if the player deliberately strikes the ball twice with the paddle?

there are no paddles in volleyball

What is double in volleyball?

When one player hits the ball twice in a row, which is a illegal move.

Can a player hit the ball twice in two man volleyball?

Yes they can that rule was put into play I think back in 2009.

What is it called when a player does not contact the ball cleanly in volleyball?

If they touch it twice, it is a double; if they touch it with the palm of their hand and lift it up, it is a lift

What is meant by double touch in volleyball?

I'm pretty sure it is when the ball touches two parts of a player's body in succession, or when a player touches the ball twice in a row.

When receiving a serve in volleyball can the ball be double hit?

If you mean two hits in a row then no they cannot hit it twice, but if the receiver hits to the setter and the setter messes up or they hit it to the same person that just received it then it's ok if they hit it again

Can a volleyball player hit the ball twice continuously?

No. you can only hit the ball twice if you hit it once than another team member hits it agin. you yourself can only hit it once in a row.

Who can hit it the ball twice in volleyball?

the hitter who's ball got blocked

What excretory cancer do smokers have twice the risk of developing?

Colon cancer.

Which river cuts tropic of cancer twice?

The river that cuts the Tropic of Cancer twice is the Nile River. It flows through Sudan and Egypt, crossing the Tropic of Cancer near the towns of Wadi Halfa in Sudan and Aswan in Egypt.