

Which is better football or basketball?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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Basketball football juz gives a bunch of faggets a reason to touch each other

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15y ago
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Q: Which is better football or basketball?
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They are both great sports, however, I find playing basketball better than playing football. ---- The Question of is basketball better than football is not easily answered since it all lies in the realm of opinion.

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basketball because it is more team inclusive and faster paced

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I think pro basketball.

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football is better

What are the participation rates for Touch football?

Basketball is better than touch

Why basketball is better then other sports?

There is no proof of said opinion. There is also no way to prove it. Also, you have to be stupid to think basketball is better than football.

Which is a better career basketball or football?

That really depends on what you like. Whatever sport you like better would be the better career choice to make. In terms of money, than basketball. Basketball. More pay and less injuries.