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dude every country other than America uses the word football to mean football, as you play football with your feet hence football.....

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Q: When you say football to Italians do they think you mean soccer?
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What does 'soccer' mean in Italian?

to the Italians when sombody says soccer they actually call it football. and of course football because you kick the ball with your foot so they call it football.

What does soccer mean in Italy?

Soccer means a greatdeal to the Italians it is their national sport of Italy.

What does soccer really mean?

Soccer is football in U.S.A and Football in England..........

Description of a soccer field?

*I think you mean football? ;D If so, a big green rectangle, i think

When wikianswers come up with football in an american question do they mean football or soccer?

Americans call soccer soccer, and football football!

Whats better football or soccer?

Football demands far more skill than gridiron [steroid ball]. You have to be fit to play football and have technical abilities. Depends on what you mean. If you are comparing American football with normal football (aka soccer), then undoubtedly, if you take a global perspective, the answer is normal football, or soccer. If you are wondering what to call the sport, then call it football. Do not call it soccer.

What does united in soccer mean?

It's like saying Football Club or Club of Football. I think United is only used in England.

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What does football mean in Bolivia?


Does football mean soccer in Kenya?

Football means soccer everywhere except the US, Canada and Australia.

Does football mean soccer in cuba?

Football means soccer everywhere except the US, Canada and Australia.

How is soccer in Europe played?

what is soccer, do you mean football. thats the probem.