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your bum looks fat in that outfit.

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The ancient Olympians did not add more games to the Olympics. The Olympic Games in ancient Greece only consisted of a few events, including foot races, Wrestling, and Chariot Racing. The modern Olympic Games, which include a wide range of sports, were introduced in the late 19th century.

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Q: When did ancient Olympians add more games in the Olympics?
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How many events were at the ancient Olympics?

It is more advantageous for you to go inside everything about ancient greek Olympics than merely to know how many games there were at that time. So just enter this link on Wikipedia :

Why were the ancient Olympians nude?

The ancient Olympics were done naked because the ancient Greeks did not have the same hangups as modern people have. Nudity was much more acceptable and public bathing was common. Also, activities that made people sweat heavily were more practically done naked since clothes weren't as easy to wash in those days.

Compare and contrast ancient and modern Olympics?

The difference between modern and ancient olympics is the technology that was used. Ancient olympics used olden day technology or none at all. No high quality equipment was available and each athlete did not have spikes, skins, leotards, and fancy goggles. In contrast, modern day olympians have all this which effects their performance in the pool, track, field or stadium. Also, modern olympics have cameras and technology that enables the whole world to watch and cheer their country on. Hope this helps xo

How many Olympics are there altogether?

In 2012, the world participated in the "Games of the XXX Olympiad", the name by which the Olympics are officially known. The "XXX" in this case is the Roman numeral 30. The modern Olympics have therefore been held 30 times. The ancient Olympics are not as well-documented. It is believed there were games held at least 177 times in ancient Greece, but it could be more. Historians have not yet agreed on this subject.

Why were ancient Olympics games held?

* The Ancient Olympic Games were held by the Greeks to honor there God, Zeus. They began in 776 B.C. and lasted until 393 A.C. Then they were banned by a Christian Emperor because of their religion, polythesim, they worshiped many gods. * There were no Olympics for 1503 years, until a Frenchman went on vacation to Greece and loved the idea of the Olympics. He believed that people should be both physically and mentally strong, as he was a teacher. That was the beginning of the adventure to bring us the Modern Olympics...........Probably more than you wanted to know.

Related questions

What are the ancient Olympics games?

They were competitions held between states within ancient Greece similar to today's Olympic Games. Click on the 'Ancient Olympics' below to learn more about them.

How did the ancient olympic games stop?

The ancient Olympics stopped because there are now more people that are modern than ancient and people will get fed up having to watch old sports and the Olympics will lose their career

Were the ancient games more fair and square than the Olympics?

In the ancient Olympics men performed for Zoos! Father of the Olympiads, hence the name Olympics. Who would dare cheat, while performing for an all seeing god?

How many events were at the ancient Olympics?

It is more advantageous for you to go inside everything about ancient greek Olympics than merely to know how many games there were at that time. So just enter this link on Wikipedia :

Did they have the same events in ancient Olympics?

Most of the events from the Modern Olympics originally came from the Ancient Olympics but many more events have been added to the Modern Olympics...

Why were the ancient Olympians nude?

The ancient Olympics were done naked because the ancient Greeks did not have the same hangups as modern people have. Nudity was much more acceptable and public bathing was common. Also, activities that made people sweat heavily were more practically done naked since clothes weren't as easy to wash in those days.

Which one has more sports Commonwealth or Olympics?

The Olympics has more sports than the Commonwealth Games.

Why did ancient Olympics come to an end?

The Ancient Olympics lasted for more than a thousand years, but they started to lose their importance as the Romans began to take over Greece in the second century BC. In AD 394, Emperor Theodosius of Rome officially abolished the Games. bye

What do the ancient Greeks believe?

They believed in Greek mythology, more importantly greek Olympians and their stories of heroes and monsters.

What are the 5 Olympics summer games?

There are many more than five games in both the winter and summer Olympics.

What were ancient Greeks known for?

The Olympics, theatre, drama, and much more

When was the history Olympics canceled?

The Ancient Olympics lasted from 776 B.C. until 393 A.D. and then there were no more Olympics for 1503 year. The Modern Olympics began in 1896.