The Square Deal was President Theodore Roosevelt's domestic program formed upon three basic ideas: conservation of natural resources, control of corporations, and consumer protection.
There was already a square deal and a new deal. so Harry Truman came up with "fair deal" as a title for his proposed program. It was only a name for Truman's idea of what was needed . In actuality, a fair deal is an agreement that benefits parties in proportion to what they gave up.
Harry Truman called his program the fair deal, after FDR's new deal and Theodore Roosevelt's square deal.
It was a deal that was extremely fair.
Philip the fair
In the Ancient Olympics the punishment was to pay for the construction of a statue of Zeus (for whose honour the Olympics were held). And there must ave been a fair bit of cheating around because they were a lot of statues of Zeus at Olympia... In the Modern Olympics you get banned and stripped of your medals (which probably applied to the Ancient Olympians as well, but I don't know for certain).
Women were not equal to men. Greek women had a fair amount of freedom in their time, but they still were not equal.
France. The summer games were held in Paris, along with the 1900 World's Fair.
Greace becauuse they made the Olympics so it was only fair
we shouldn't abolish the Olympics because people have been working very hard and it won't be fair for the athletes
they won fair
There always conflict in competition, best thing to do is play fair and square. At least if you made enermy, you'd have people on yourside.
The soccer team won a goal fair in square.
World's Fair at St. Louis
The cliche is "fair and square."
The Paris games in 1900 Many of the atletes in 1900 never even realised they were in the Olympics(it was only the second one). They just thought they were taking part in a competion at the World's Fair.
Yes. Considering it is from the Bible and the ancient world it is fair.