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The 1912 Summer Olympic Games held in Stockholm, Sweden.

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Q: What was the first summer Olympic games Japan participated in?
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When did japan play in the Olympics?

Japan first participated in the Summer Olympics in 1912. They have participated in all Summer Olympic since except for 1948 and 1980. They first participated in the Winter Olympics in 1928 and have been in all Winter Games except the 1948 Games. The 2008 Olympics is the 20th Summer Games Japan has participated in. They have been to 18 Winter Games.

Does Jamaica participate in most Olympic games?

Jamaica first participated in the Summer Olympics in 1948 and has participated in every Summer Olympics since then.

When did Somalia have there first olympic games?

Somalia first participated in the Olympics at the 1972 Summer Games in Munich.

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Uganda first participated at the 1956 Summer Games in Melbourne.

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The country of Indonesia had participated in 14 Summer Olympic Games events. The first time it had participation was in the Olympic games of 1952, since then, they had only skipped the 1964 and 1980 games.

Has Samoa ever won an Olympic medal?

No athlete from the country of Samoa has won an Olympic medal. Samoa first participated in the 1984 Los Angeles Summer Olympic Games.

In which Olympic womens first participated?

The 1900 Olympic Games in Paris.

Who is the most recent country to join the Olympic games?

The 2008 Summer Games are the first participated in by the countries of Marshall Islands, Tuvalu, and Montenegro.

Who hosted the first Olympic games?

The first 'ancient' Olympic Games were held in Greece in 776 BC. The first 'modern' Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece in 1896.

When Pakistan first participated at the Olympic Games?

1948 in london

How many men participated in the first Olympic Games?


How many countries have participated in 1896 first olympic?

14 countries