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A plie

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Q: What term refers to a bending movement of the knees in ballet?
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Which term refers to a basic bending movement of the knees in ballet?


What term refers to abasic bending movement of the knees in ballet?

That would be either plie or fondue.

What term refers to a basic bending movement of the knees in ballet?

don't know how you spell it but it sounds like plee-aye :L if that's any help

What is a pli in ballet?

A plie is the bending of the knees while keeping the hips and shoulders aligned and the feet flat on the floor. It can be performed in any position of the feet.

French for bend of the knee?

"Plier" means to bend; "bend the knee" would be "plie le genou." In ballet dancing, we say "plié" when bending the knees.

What is a tondu?

a ballet movement meaning to brush. you keep your knees straight brushing the floor without leaving the floor

What steps do you do in ballet?

Here are some of the most common ballet moves: Pirouette: A complete 360 degree turn on one leg plié: The bending of your knees when you are in second position. grand jeté: A jump in midair, mostly accopanied by a spin.

What is a Bourree in ballet?

The bourree is a step done en pointe, where the dancer takes quick and tiny steps without bending their knees much. They can move across the floor in this way, or do it on the spot.

What is an example of flexibility?

An example of flexibility is bending over and touching your toes without bending your knees.

What is example of flexible?

An example of flexibility is bending over and touching your toes without bending your knees.

Why is a plie important?

A plie is a bending of the knees in ballet, or most any other style of dance. They can be petit(just a slight bend) or grande(large bend where you are nearly touching the floor), and in every foot position(1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th). A plie is done before and after every jump/leap in order to reduce the shock that goes down your legs and can cause injuries. A plie is the most basic skill in dancing.

How does a flamingos walk?

they bend their knees and you can see the falmingos legs bending.