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It all depends on the brand of the bindings and the boot itself. Some companies may have a size range of 8-10 where-as another company or even model may range from 9-11. What I always do is go to the manufacturer's website and check out the stats for the product I am interested in.

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14y ago

If you're referring to a mens binding, then generally a men's 5-8 but this can very quite a bit by brand.

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14y ago

If your question is whether or not a size 13.5 Burton boot will fit a medium binding, then no you would need a large.

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Not usually. A large binding fits size 9-13 so your right in the middle of large.

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13y ago

Yes. Medium boots will fit the same. But 11 size boots will not, I would go with large.

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16y ago

No way

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Q: What size bindings would you need for a size 10.5 snowboard boots?
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How many pieces of equipment do you need to snowboard?

Three. Snowboard, bindings, and boots.

What eqipmemt do you need to be able to snowboard?

At the very least you need a 'snowboard', 'bindings' that mount to the board and 'boots' that strap into the bindings. You can snowboard with those 3 things. You may also want to consider clothing to keep you warm and dry, like jackets, gloves, goggles and under layers.

Do normal snow boots work for a snowboard?

No, you have to use boots specific to those bindings. I'm not sure if you have Clickers, the old Switch step in's or something else but I can tell you it is going to be hard to find boots for them and you need to get rid of them! Step in's are outdated and can be unsafe. Flow and K2 make alternative's to these methods that allow you to use any brand of snowboard boot as well and get the performance and response you need.

Can you put union snowboard bindings on a Burton snowboard?

Yes, but you need a special base plate.

What kind of snowboarding gear do I need to get started in the sport?

Essential gear to snowboard includes suitable clothing. A good snowboard jacket and pants are a good start along with mittens or gloves, goggles, stocking cap, and thermal socks. Basic equipment includes a snowboard, bindings, and boots.

Can you ride on a snowboard without wearing snowboarding boots?

No why should you its just a jacket, you could just wear one and it wouldn't matter but it would be cool to say you snowboard at the same time Of course you don't some people may think you are a bit of a try hard, i snowboard and i wear it when im snowboarding and when im not. But who cares wat others think, they are quite comfortable and warm on a cold day, and some of them have awesome designs

What equipment do you use and wear in snowboarding?

A snowboard, and perhaps snowboard boots.You can get snowboards with buckles for normal shoes/boots, and you can get snowboards with click thingies, that you click snowboard boot into.Answer:You need a lot of equipment for snowboarding. Here is the equipment that is necessary: A snowboard, Snowboard boots, helmet (optional), goggles, gloves, and bindings. You need your equipment to be fitted properly or you can get badly hurt or not perform at your 110% top.A snowboard of course, gloves so your hands don't get cold, and goggles so nothing flys in your eyes.

What do you need to snowboard?

you need a snowboard a hat a helement, a a winter hat, snowboarding coat, long Jon s,a piar of snowboarding socks, a ski mask to keep from frezzing your face off, a piar of googles and i think that is it

Can boots be purchased for 1996 vintage K2 XTS skis with Marker N26 bindings?

Yes. M26 are adjustable bindings but in a small range. You have to see if the current setting allow your boots size. Otherwise you many need to remount the bindings.

Where can one find ride bindings for snowboards?

You can buy step in bindings for snowboard from your local sports shops/stores that sell outdoor sports equipment and gears. You can also buy snowboard bindings online from dealers and sellers such as Amazon and eBay and other independent websites that sell snowboarding gears. You can also rent these gears from the snowboarding spots you play at.

Does a ski shop need both ski boots to test bindings?

Yes. You have to be sure the boots themselves are in good condition.

What do you need when going snowboarding?

Simply put, a waterproof coat and waterproof pants, boots, bindings, goggles, a beanie (or something to keep your head warm) gloves and a snowboard. Long thick socks are recommended to keep your feet and legs warm, and prevent your feet from hurting (the boots are very hard and uncomfortable).