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you need a snowboard a hat a helement, a a winter hat, Snowboarding coat, long Jon s,a piar of snowboarding socks, a ski mask to keep from frezzing your face off, a piar of googles and i think that is it

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13y ago
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15y ago

When skiing you need to be wearing lots of warm clothes such as a hat, a coat, a scarf, snowpants, a turtle neck, pants, warm socks, a ski mask, mittens or gloves and possibly a hat. You also need a ski helmet, skis, ski boots, ski poles, and ski goggles are optional if you are non competitive. Usually these items can be rented at any ski resort. Unless your helmet is too big, you're not supposed to wear a hat under your helmet.

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10y ago

Snowboarding equipment you can put into multiple sets,

Snowboard and misc,

Clothing, and protection.

For snowboard and misc you will need a snowboard, A pair of bindings (witch fit onto the snowboard you want) and a pair of snowboarding shoes.

For clothing depending on the area you are in you should look for water resistance and or cold resistance, if you like you can get a pair of thermal underwear, also the main difference between snowboarding boots and jackets is that they fit way looser than those of skiers, and soks are important

For protection (is optional but highly advisable): a helmet, some sort of but protection (trust me some soft fabric will relief a lot of pain) knee protection (same here) wrist guards, and a back protector.

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14y ago

you can rent stuff at the mountain or if you're going to buy all your own gear you need...

a jacket and pants (water resistant stuff is best, and gloves and a beanie are a good idea)

a helmet if you plan on doing anything crazy

Goggles (especially if its snowing)

a snowboard, boots, and bindings. That's about it.

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10y ago

The equipment that would be needed for snowboarding would be a snowboard, boots, gloves, hat, goggles (optional), helmet (optional), coat, snow pants or snowboarding pants, and I would also recommend a good base like under armour.

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15y ago

YOu need bindings, a board, snow, boots, and gear. I also recommend a helmet and some pants

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15y ago

coat, sallopettes, gloves, goggles or glasses, ski socks, ski boots, skis, sun cream, a hat, ski poles, polar necks, thermal underwear

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14y ago

to snowboard safely you will need the following:

- Snowboard

- Bindings

- Snowboarding boots

- Helmet

- Goggles

- Snow pants, coat, hat, gloves ect.

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8y ago

First of all you need a snow board, next you need bindings for your board. After that you need some boots, and a helmet.

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How many pieces of equipment do you need to snowboard?

Three. Snowboard, bindings, and boots.

Can you put union snowboard bindings on a Burton snowboard?

Yes, but you need a special base plate.

How do you play the sport snowboarding?

You need a ski/snowboard recreation area and a snowboard. Some lessons are advised.

What degrees do you need to do the snowboard cross?

You need a temperature below 32 Fahrenheit.

What skills to you need to snowboard?

Balance, Patience, No fear, toughness

What eqipmemt do you need to be able to snowboard?

At the very least you need a 'snowboard', 'bindings' that mount to the board and 'boots' that strap into the bindings. You can snowboard with those 3 things. You may also want to consider clothing to keep you warm and dry, like jackets, gloves, goggles and under layers.

Would a UK 9 need a wide snowboard?

no! wide boards suck! dont get a wide snowboard. only US 11.5 and up need wide snowboards, they have a lot of lag, and no pop, regular is for you!

What is a split snowboard?

A split snowboard is a snowboard that can split into skis I believe.

How much does it cost to drill holes in snowboard?

i need to drill holes on my snowboard also, sportschalet told me it costs approx. $70-$80 due to the massive labour required... I'm also looking into other professional snowboard shops..

How much is the best snowboard?

How much MONEY? I need to know what you mean by MUCH

What is a liquid snowboard?

a crappy snowboard.

Where can you rent a snowboard?

a snowboard store