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It will at some point rest against the pin! Regardless of that, if you putt with the pin in, and the ball is holed, you receive a two shot penalty. The scenario set out in the question means nothing.

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13y ago

Ugh I don't know much about golf but I don't think so because if the oppositions ball is on the green and you put off of the green then it's not possible to hit it. I don't think.

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14y ago

Two shot penalty and the realization that your putting is so bad you cannot keep the ball on the green.

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Q: What is the penalty if when putting on the green you hit the pin which is laying off the green?
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Putting and hitting the pin and penalty?

If you are on the green, and you are putting, if the pin is in the hole and you strike it with the ball, you receive a two shot penalty in stroke play or loss of hole in matchplay. You must also play the ball as it lies, so if the ball is holed, it is counted as holed (don't forget the penalty) If the pin is set at the side of the green and you hit it, the penalty is still the same.

While on the green if you putt your ball and it hits a competitors ball what is the penalty?

If you are on the green and you hit another ball which is on the green, you receive a two shot penalty and must play your ball where it lies. The other ball must be replaced, you should have asked the other player to move the ball. If however you are not on the green and hit another ball, there is no penalty, you again play yours as it lies and the other ball must be replaced.

Did a golfer hit a hole-in-one on the wrong putting green?

Well, it wouldn't be a hole in one then, I'm sure it has happened, but they would just have to take relief from the putting green.

What happens if you hit the pin in golf?

If you are off the green, nothing, and play the ball as it lies. If you are on the green it is a two shot penalty and you must play the ball as it lies. So if you are on the green, and putt with the pin in, and it goes in the ball is deemed holed, but there is a two shot penalty.

Are you allowed to hit you opponents ball while putting in stroke play without penalty?

18-5. By Another BallIf a ball in play and at rest is moved by another ball in motion after a stroke, the m19-2. By Player, Partner, Caddie or Equipmenta. Match PlayIf a player's ball is accidentally deflected or stopped by himself, his partner or either of their caddies or equipment, he loses the hole.b. Stroke PlayIf a competitor's ball is accidentally deflected or stopped by himself, his partner or either of their caddies or equipment, the competitor incurs a penalty of two strokes. The ball must be played as it lies, except when it comes to rest in or on the competitor's, his partner's or either of their caddies' clothes or equipment, in which case the competitor must through the green or in a hazard drop the ball, or on the putting green place the ball, as near as possible to where the article was when the ball came to rest in or on it.oved ball must be replaced 19-5. By Another Balla. At RestIf a player's ball in motion after a stroke is deflected or stopped by a ball in play and at rest, the player must play his ball as it lies. In match play, there is no penalty. In stroke play, there is no penalty unless both balls lay on the putting green prior to the stroke, in which case the player incurs a penalty of two strokes.

Is a helmet hit below the knee a penalty hit?

it is not a penalty if the person you hit is the ball carrier. but it is however a penalty if the hit a lineman or any other non ball carrier.

What is the rule on hitting another golfers ball on the greens?

If an opponents ball is struck by your ball on the green while putting fom on the green his ball is replaced as close as is possible to its original position and you are charged with a one stroke penalty. If your ball is off the green and you hit his ball their is no penalty but his ball is to be replaced as close to possible to its original position. If the ball is not replaced and then played that player will be then be required to replace it back to its original spot and charged 2 stroke penalty.

If im hitting your ball and your partner is on green and you hit his ball and it goes in hole does that count as a birdy for him?

If you are off the green, and your partner's ball is on the green, you pitch on and you hit theirs and yours goes in it is counted as holed and they must replace their ball to where it was before you hit it. If you hit on and hit their ball and that goes in the hole, you play yours as it lies and you must replace their ball. If you are on the green and hit their ball it is a two shot penalty, or loss of hole in matchplay.

What is the penalty for playing the wrong ball in match play?

Two shot penalty. You also have to go back and correct your mistake before you tee off on the next hole, or you will be disqualified.

What happens in golf when you hit the flag when it's out of the hole?

I am assuming you mean when you are on the green. In which case it is a two shot penalty and you play the ball as it lies.

If you lose a golf ball Then take a penalty and hit another ball you then find the lost ball do you take the penalty or hit the lost ball?

Once you have taken the penalty and hit the new ball, you may not hit the old ball again. Play on with the penalty and the new ball.

What happens if you hit a ball on the green with your putter by accident and the ball does not move?

There is no penalty if the ball doesn't move, but that seems highly unlikely. If the ball does move you should replace the ball and receive a one stroke penalty.