

What is the most played sport over the world?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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I think it is either Soccer, or Baseball. I think soccer because it is fun and a lot of people enjoy playing it. I think baseball because it is the American past time.

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Q: What is the most played sport over the world?
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Without a doubt, the most watched sport in the world is soccer.

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So far that i have seen football (America) is really popular but..... there aren't many countries that play it, but there is a sport that is played in many countries all over the's soccer. think about how many people you know that play soccer, or did. Also it's played ALL over the world.2.The second most popular sport is probally baseball but i believe overall it must be basketball due to its contributions nationwide

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No1 is football played all over the world excluding USA and Canada, no2 is boxing, no3 Rugby a mans sport without padding, played in Europe, Africa and Oceania