

What is a popular sport in NZ?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Probably the most popular would be footy

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Q: What is a popular sport in NZ?
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What sport do people in New Zealand play?

Rugby is the largest played and most popular organised sport in NZ but golf and fishing have more participants.

What is the most popular winter sport in new zealand has the most players actively playing?

Soccer is the most popular winter sport in NZ, more kds play soccer than rugby

Who is famous in NZ for a sport?

Sir Richard Hadlee NZ Cricket player Sir Richard Hadlee NZ Cricket player

Why is rugby so popular in NZ?

I'm writing this as a rugby-loving South African. I believe my reasoning is correct because we South Africans are in a similar position to NZ regarding popularity of rugby. NZ is a relatively small country, and thus do not have the resources (financial but especially people) to support many sports at world class level. Thus, they focus their efforts on a sport that they have played very successfully for a long time. You begin to get a 'virtuous circle' effect that as the teams perform better, the sport becomes more popular, more people and sponsors get involved in the sport, facilities train people from a younger age, causing teams to advance even further, resulting in the sport becoming ever more popular. Because of their success at the sport, the country's culture has becomes somewhat tied in with the sport.

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The answere is rugby it is the most popular sport in new zealand

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Who is nz's most famous olympian?

dunno but you can check here

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Who predominantly plays Rugby the sport in NZ?

In New Zealand, about 90% of players are male, ranging from ages 8 - 40. Rugby is fairly popular in women up to about the age of 18.

What sports are nz best at?

The sport that New Zealand is best at is mostly rugby

A popular fish caught around nz?

a snapper is the most popular fish