

What five sports have the most injuries in Canada?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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hockey,Ice Hockey,Rugby,football,pro bull riding

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Q: What five sports have the most injuries in Canada?
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Tackle football! Hope this helps:)

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What is the main cause of sports injuries?

Usually you'll fall. However, most of the time it's not the fall, but the hit that will injure you. So, the final conclusion is that hits are the main cause of sports injuries.

Does sports give the most injuries in the world?

I think that NFL Football gives the most injuries in the USA but on the other side of the world im thinking rugby is the worst

WHAT type of sports are most likely to cause injuries and why?

contact sports cause lots of injuries because of the constant physical contact. Concussions, broken body parts, and sprained and dislocated fingers happen often in football.