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Q: Are most brain injuries caused by sports?
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What are the most common causes of brain injuries?

Automotive accidents, sports injuries and drug use are the three top contributing factors for brain injuries in the United States. Most catastrophic loss to brain function results in a vegetative state.

What are the reasons for brain injuries?

There are many types of brain injuries that can occur. Traumatic brain injury is the most common one that occurs from something physical usually. They tend to occur from vehicular, construction or even sports accidents.

What are most injuries caused by in a tornado?

Most injuries in a tornado are caused by flying debris.

What part of the brain has the most traumatic brain injuries?

The frontal lobe.

What sorts of injuries are treated with ultrasound therapy?

Many sports injuries are treated with such therapy. Usually muscle injuries are the most common.

What are the causes and treatments of stress fractures in the foot?

Since our feet are what we walk on all day, it is easy to see that injuries are caused. Sports, accidents, and even fatigue can cause foot injuries. There are many specialists in most towns that help with this.

What has more injuries gymnastics or cheerleading?

In all sports cheerleading reports the most fatal injuries. In womes sports, cheerleading is still in the lead, folowed by gymnastics

What NFL team has caused most injuries?

The Baltimore Ravens

What player in the nfl caused the most injuries?

Ray Lewis

What is a sport rehabilitator?

Sports rehabilitation occurs when a player becomes addicted to sports. They then check into sports rehab center to eliminate their addiction.

Which top two sports cause the most eye injuries?

hockey and baseball

What joint in the body is most susceptible to sports injuries?

knee joint