

What does 'goal line' mean in soccer?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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7y ago

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It is the line on the ground between the goal posts. If the ball crosses it, a goal has been scored.

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Q: What does 'goal line' mean in soccer?
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What is the line that the goal rests on in soccer?

The goal rests on the goal line.

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18yrds from the goal

What is a technical goal in soccer?

A technical goal in soccer is when the whole of the ball crossed the goal line and ends up in the net. Youtube has several videos showing the technique of a technical goal.

In soccer is it a goal if the goalie goes in the goal with the ball?

Yes. If the ball completely crosses the goal line, it's a goal.

If a ball hits the line of the goal in soccer it is a goal?

No. All parts of the ball must be past all parts of the line.

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The penalty spot is 12 yards from the goal line.

When is it a goal in soccer?

When the whole of the ball crosses the goal line, and (usually) ends up in the net.

How far is the penatly kick line from the goal in soccer?

12 yards

What does it mean if the ball is on the goal line but not over the goal line?

in order for it to be a goal the ball is to completely pass the goal line

In soccer what does GF mean?

Goals For or just Goal For

What is the average distance a soccer goal a made?

You mean between the goalposts? The standard distance is 22 ft. The goal is 8 ft high, and 10 ft deep. There are 6 yards between the goal and the small box, 18 yards between the goal line and the goal box, 60 yards between the goal line and the half, and 120 yards between both goal lines (length of the field). A soccer field is also 80 yards wide.

How far is it from the goal line to goal line in meters?

There is no standard size of a soccer field, but an allowable range of sizes. Youth matches can have even smaller sizes.