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Clothes needed for Basketball is some type of uniform and basketball shoes you shouldn't wear baggey clothing while playing basketball.

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Q: What are the materials use in playing basketball?
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What are materials in playing basketball?

basketball, hard surface, net

How do use the word basketball in a sentence?

The Lakers are playing basketball against the Celtics today.

How do you use math when playing basketball?

Score the game.

How much energy do you use when you're playing basketball?

heaps ay

What are the materials needed in playing jumping rope?

two legs, the ability to jump, and a rope. preferably a jump-rope

What are the materials and equipments neede in basketball?

basketball shoes jerseys

What are the objections of playing basketball?

Basketball goal kobe bryant basketball

What type of playing field does basketball require?

You play basketball on a court, not a "playing field".

What are someways to be faster while playing basketball?

you can use this thing called a parachute to get your speed up.

What do you need to use to protect your dislocated finger while playing basketball?


What are the chemical properties of a basketball?

A basketball is typically made of rubber or synthetic materials such as polyurethane. These materials have properties that make the basketball durable, flexible, and resistant to wear and tear. Additionally, the materials used in a basketball are designed to provide good grip and bounce for optimal performance on the court.

What is the best way to get taller I'm fiveteen and I'm a girl?

i think playing lots of sport's, like mostly basketball i guess my big brother use to be short and he started playing basketball and he got taller